Custom Bouquet Preservation
Custom Bouquet Preservation
Wishing you could hold onto your gorgeous special occasion bouquet a little longer -or forever?
Whether it was your bridal bouquet, graduation flowers, big birthday, anniversary, special date, flowers you discovered in the garden of your new house, or whatever flowers are particularly meaningful to you, I will work with you to preserve the memories and beautiful flowers in a variety of bespoke ways.
Your special bouquet can be preserved into framed art to grace your walls for years to come, but also into jewelry, holiday ornaments, and even stationery!
Contact me and I will hear what you have in mind, propose some options, give you the custom pricing, and explain how to arrange in advance to get the bouquet shipped as soon as possible while the flowers are still fresh. The prices listed here are just an indication -everything will be priced and made custom.
Exceptionally in some cases, I will be able to accept a bouquet without much advance notice, but in any case you have to reach out to me before sending.